Cleaning Up!
Whenever I have a pending writing project, I tend to go into neatnik overdrive. It's a delay tactic, sure, but it also helps me get my mental space uncluttered, even if the ex-cluttered space is far away from my writing desk. The other day I sat down to work from home for a bit and kept running into my stack of Japanese crafting magazines that were awaiting scanning. I realized something needed to be done...I clearly couldn't put these beauties

into this messy crafting closet

It's actually a fantastic, high-ceilinged, walk-in closet under our stairs. It's cosy, and I could even imagine fitting a sewing table in there and going to town. I've always meant to make it a place for all the craft supplies, but things ended up going in piecemeal when we moved in, and it never got better. So, inspired by the much more elaborate studio clean-ups in the blogosphere, I cleared everything out and put it back in again, in much neater fashion. And, as you can see, I even hung some craftiness on the walls of the closet. It's a true little placid nook now!

The drawers are better than before, though not perfect. I reserved the bottom one for the Almost-two's craft supplies. Check out how pitifully small my stash of fabric:

I have dreams of a giant stash of fabric on these shelves, once I get the sewing machine skills dusted off:

I need to bring up all my collaging materials from the basement, too. Collage things are so much harder to keep track of, though...all those little pieces of uncategorizable paper and miscellaneous scraps. One day, maybe I'll tackle all that, too.
Meanwhile, the Almost-two has been cleaning up at the rummage sales. Her haul from last Friday, to the tune of $12.50:

And I actually have been managing to get some writing done since! Amazing--though all this good work activity will have to be put on hold for a bit as I kick into full-birthday mode. Today I managed my first pizza for the Almost-two to have at school while her non-allergic classmates celebrated another girl's birthday with the traditional Pizza Hut Delivery party. I wish my food-styling skills were a bit more, um, developed...the pictures I took of this culinary milestone were, sadly, not terribly munchable. Maybe next time.

into this messy crafting closet

It's actually a fantastic, high-ceilinged, walk-in closet under our stairs. It's cosy, and I could even imagine fitting a sewing table in there and going to town. I've always meant to make it a place for all the craft supplies, but things ended up going in piecemeal when we moved in, and it never got better. So, inspired by the much more elaborate studio clean-ups in the blogosphere, I cleared everything out and put it back in again, in much neater fashion. And, as you can see, I even hung some craftiness on the walls of the closet. It's a true little placid nook now!

The drawers are better than before, though not perfect. I reserved the bottom one for the Almost-two's craft supplies. Check out how pitifully small my stash of fabric:

I have dreams of a giant stash of fabric on these shelves, once I get the sewing machine skills dusted off:

I need to bring up all my collaging materials from the basement, too. Collage things are so much harder to keep track of, though...all those little pieces of uncategorizable paper and miscellaneous scraps. One day, maybe I'll tackle all that, too.
Meanwhile, the Almost-two has been cleaning up at the rummage sales. Her haul from last Friday, to the tune of $12.50:

And I actually have been managing to get some writing done since! Amazing--though all this good work activity will have to be put on hold for a bit as I kick into full-birthday mode. Today I managed my first pizza for the Almost-two to have at school while her non-allergic classmates celebrated another girl's birthday with the traditional Pizza Hut Delivery party. I wish my food-styling skills were a bit more, um, developed...the pictures I took of this culinary milestone were, sadly, not terribly munchable. Maybe next time.
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