There's Got To Be A Morning After
This song kept going through my head last night as I dozed on the floor of the 2-yo's room, in between her hourly wakings to check and see if I was still there. Ideally, I would not have been on the floor to begin with, but if you had been in my shoes last night, you probably would have made the same decision.
Did not realize until this morning that the song was a hit parade choice from my birth year (!) and that it was the "love theme" from the Poseidon Adventure. How appropriate.
This morning, at 6:45 AM, my daughter woke for the day. After the diaper change, she went in to wake up her father with this:
"Daddy, I had a good nap!"
After all the potential damage of the evening, she's still looking at the glass as half full. Good for you, pumpkin pie.
Did not realize until this morning that the song was a hit parade choice from my birth year (!) and that it was the "love theme" from the Poseidon Adventure. How appropriate.
This morning, at 6:45 AM, my daughter woke for the day. After the diaper change, she went in to wake up her father with this:
"Daddy, I had a good nap!"
After all the potential damage of the evening, she's still looking at the glass as half full. Good for you, pumpkin pie.