Friday, July 28, 2006

There's Got To Be A Morning After

This song kept going through my head last night as I dozed on the floor of the 2-yo's room, in between her hourly wakings to check and see if I was still there. Ideally, I would not have been on the floor to begin with, but if you had been in my shoes last night, you probably would have made the same decision.

Did not realize until this morning that the song was a hit parade choice from my birth year (!) and that it was the "love theme" from the Poseidon Adventure. How appropriate.

This morning, at 6:45 AM, my daughter woke for the day. After the diaper change, she went in to wake up her father with this:

"Daddy, I had a good nap!"

After all the potential damage of the evening, she's still looking at the glass as half full. Good for you, pumpkin pie.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Rosemary's Mother

Well, it's been a terrible week around here, with the 2-y-old not sleeping and the mother going insane to match her crazed wailings. Not a lot getting done on any front. I had to frog a new hat I was knitting for a new baby (a friend's--probably already sleeping more than mine!) because I shattered the needle in a fit of pique. Really, really not in a happy space right now.

Earlier today when I thought things might be looking up I took the following picture of some happy things and hoped I'd post about, I'm just hoping looking at the picture will serve as some sort of anodyne.

Of course, right now I can only think about how I really should have ironed the dishtowel. Ultimately I think this will be an apron. That is, when my daughter is 10 and I'm no longer responsible for her bedtime. (ideally we'd still have a bedtime around here, but basically, I currently figure if she lives to the ripe old age of 10 after years of sleep deprivation, we will have given up.)

I realized too in looking over this blog that there really are few pictures of her happy--and anyone just happening upon this would think that she's a truly miserable creature. But there are occasional happy moments. I swear. Let me find one to post...

There. See? Not just happy--stylish too.

Saturday, July 22, 2006


(with apologies to Wilco...)

Sorry for the long hiatus...soon I hope there will be a sweater to show you! (But first I have to go check out the book from the library again...of course, I lost the pattern on my trip...)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Vox clamantis in deserto

A brief post from my current outpost: Dartmouth. I'm spending the week in the exceedingly pleasant Rauner Library madly transposing letters written to Houghton Mifflin about Eleanor Porter's post-Pollyanna novels novel, Just David. I will not finish in time to return home, and so will need to have massive amounts of photocopying done.

After reading tons of letters during the day, I have been spending my dinner hour reading Ruth Reichl's oeuvre. I now want to know whether it is too late to become Ruth Reichl. I fear that it is. But I do know enough to know that my dinner tonight was mediocre at best.

If I manage no more dispatches from the Granite state, I'll see you when I get back in place...

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

two down, three to go

We had a wonderful birthday weekend here--the weather was perfect, if a touch on the muggy side, and the long weekend made it seem even more like a prolonged celebration. First we had a fun and crafty "camp" (a 1-hour event) at the zoo...

Then, there was a party. The cupcakes were tasty, but a bit wonky in the decoration. Perhaps the cute pool party fabric will distract the eye.

The most important thing, of course, was the happiness of the guest of honor, who spent some time mulling over her options

and ended up deciding to spend much of the afternoon bouncing on her chair in the den.

Now that that's over, I can start laying plans for my next project, a Clapotis! No, I haven't yet finished the sweater, but I'm working on the sleeves now...and what is more dull than sleeves, really? So, as I stockinette stitch myself silly, I dream of Black Purl.

I've also splurged on some cute stitch markers for the occasion, mighty cute cupcakes from amyville:

and I've made a couple of my own...these are OK, but I'm really looking forward to getting out the Shrinky Dinks and following the fab tutorial from illanna, though instead of photos I'm going to draw pictures. Big plans for everybody.

Oh, right. The book. Well, I am going to be going on a research trip completely devoted to a chapter next week, so that will be progress...and I actually have done some good work on my database. What am I off to do now? Um...sleeves. I have done some extracurricular reading, and have one finished project to boast of:

The cozy was one of the "in case of rain" crafting options for the party. And it's already coming in handy.